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Chalk Art

On this page you can find chalk art tips and tricks, how to do mosaic chalk art, and some examples of chalk art to boost your creativity.

How to Do Mosaic Chalk Art

Outline the shape that you want with painter’s tape. Masking tape also works, but I don't like it as much because it doesn't stick as well and doesn't have as clean of lines.

turtleOutline heartOutline

Put lots painter’s tape down across the outline to make smaller shapes inside.

turtleShapes hearta heartb heartc

Color in the shapes!

colorTurtle colorhearta colorHeartb

Now for the best part, peel the tape to see your creativity!!

finishedTurtle finishedHearta finishedHeartb



Chalk Tips and Tricks

There are different options for using chalk. One is to use dry chalk on dry sidewalk. This is the way that I usually do it. It makes thinner lines compared to these other options. Another way is to use wet chalk after dipping the chalk in water. That makes your lines more smooth. The thing about using wet chalk is that it breaks easier and is clumpy when it drys. But! There is another option: Make the ground wet and use dry chalk on it. This makes the chalk smooth but it doesn’t break as easily. It is also a lot less messy than wet chalk.